Company profile
photo In our never-ending search for ways to bring more satisfaction to our growing clientele, we will continue to implement stringent quality control measures and improve our technological capabilities, which will enable us to create even more advanced, value-added products.
Company Name ライン Towa Gosei Industries Co., Ltd.
President Hiroshi Iwashiro
Head Offices 4-224, Omano-cho, Koshigaya-si, Saitama-ken, Japan
Business Areas 1. Manufacturing sales of sheet plastic (PVC, PO, PS, PU).
2. Manufacturing sales of Pre-roofing material (Nippon-Ichi series, Towa Roof, etc).
3. Manufacturing sales of various polyethylene wrapping materials and films such as plastic bag, garbage bag, shopping backing, and fertilizer bags.
4. Management of sports lesson.
Capital 100,000,000 yen